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Wedding according to Libyan traditions and customs

1.6.2020 08:47| Разместил: PavelShumilov| Просмотров: 271| Комментарии: 0

The wedding begins with the construction of a tent (hema) in the groom’s house. As a rule, it is arranged in the courtyard of the house. Tables, carpets, chairs and other «banquet» things are brought there. If there is no such courtyard or there are a lot of people at the celebration, then the celebration takes place right on the street. Start…
An outsider will notice the local wedding only during the ritual called Getun. And this is the middle of the wedding. It all starts a few months earlier, when women gather in the house of the future husband (mother and several relatives). They dress up and go to the bride’s house in order to offer their hands and hearts (hitba).Guests are already waiting there, treats are prepared (tea, coffee, Pepsi-cola, sweets, water). 

While women are talking, the bride should lead calmly and indifferently. As a rule, hits end in full agreement. Then the day of the meeting of men is determined. During their conversation, they talk about earthly issues (they determine wedding expenses, the size of the money part of kalym, and also choose housing for young people).

Men disagree when they agreed on the bayan, as well as the approximate start date of the wedding. 

Bayan is an engagement. She passes in the house of the future wife. All the women from the groom’s side come here, including neighbors and girlfriends of the future mother-in-law, of course, not with empty hands, but with gifts. As a rule, they bring a basket or even a few that are filled with women’s goods — clothes, perfumes, sweets and jewelry (there must be one gold bauble).

The bride puts on the donated outfit and confirms the consent to marriage. Later on, an engagement is made up of a special document (it is called «Akkadaran»), which is signed by people who create the unit of society. Before the wedding, the young do not see each other, but the bride receives gifts from the future spouse for all Muslim celebrations. Although there has not been such a strict ban recently, the bride and groom see each other before marriage, communicate, and visit friends, but going to the movies is still prohibited. 

One to two months pass from the engagement (bayan) to the wedding day («Dakhla»). The time difference depends on how quickly the groom fulfills the conditions stipulated in the hit. When the formalities are behind, the holiday begins, here only the appearance of the hetun is still far away.
Motley fairy tale
The Libyan wedding can be compared to ballet or opera.
As a rule, dahla takes place in the evening on the eve of Monday or Friday.
At such a wedding celebration, each of the days has its own purpose.
The first two are called the "days of inviting women."

These days, the groom’s family makes arrangements with two or three women who will have to travel all friends to invite them to the ceremony. As a rule, you need to visit about two hundred people.
The third day is a “rest day”. Today, both families are cleaned and cooked, but only in the evening they can relax a bit.
The fourth day has two names. For women, it is called "sweets day."
The challenge for today is to prepare as many different confectionery products as possible.
For men, the fourth day is “the day of the tent.” After lunch, the future spouse with friends goes for getun. As a rule, he is borrowed from one of his friends. The road home is noisy and fun.

On the evening of the fourth day, the tent "grows" in the middle of a courtyard or street.
The fifth day is the one when the Libyans stumble across the street from nowhere hut. Today, the bride has a lot to do. She makes a “marathon”, because in the evening the young one should look especially beautiful and charming, because today is “the day of the huff”.
Guffa is an elegant basket that is woven from the leaves of a date palm and decorated with silk threads. She (sometimes several of them) is prepared by the groom, filling with what the bride likes. Such a big present should finally convince the young woman that she is a devoted man.

In the basket (or baskets) of one perfumery up to forty items. In addition, there are mirrors, scallops, threads, needles, silk clothes, candles, veils, jewelry, scarves, candlesticks and much more. The fullness of the huff depends on the wealth of the groom.

Silk removal
Wedding ceremonies have come here from time immemorial.
With the incomprehensible, the sixth "day of spring" begins. Today in the house of the future spouse there is an “inventory” of everything that was in the donated guff. All the incense that was in the basket is rubbed a pinch into the skin of the hands and feet. It is believed that such a ceremony will give the young wife the strength to command the family and twirl her husband. Then the bride performs the next rite, during which she must take care of herself and her friends. For these purposes, use donated henna.

Then the bride sits down next to the hand mill, which consists of 2 marble millstones, in a standard pose - the left leg is pressed under itself, and the right one is extended. The eldest relative comes up to her with 2 red silk threads, one of which is tied to the future wife under the knee. So the inhabitants of the desert, as a rule, tie a camel. The rite means that the wife will be attached to the spouse just like a camel to the owner.

Another thread is tied around the neck, the tip of which the future wife puts in her mouth. This rite means that the spouse will not bother her husband with empty chatter. Sugar is put under the bride’s tongue so that she only speaks “sweet” words to her husband.
Then henna leaves are thrown at the millstone, after which the bride a couple of times
cranks the handle. Then the silk threads are removed from her, and they are torn over the heads of the invited friends. This rite helps unmarried people get married faster.

The next day is called “Big Henna Day”!
On this day, the appearance of the bride will slightly change. Today, her hands and feet will be covered with henna, or rather, pasta made from it. After a couple of hours, the “mask” is washed off, after which the skin acquires a bright, blazing fire shade.
On this day, the groom and the “vizier” (assistant, best friend) decide where to get the hetun, what to give the bride a wedding on the day, how to fill the huff and much more.

The most important day is the eighth. Today dahla is happening. The official part, as a rule, in the morning. It takes place either in a mosque, or at one of the parents' houses. In the presence of witnesses, the young people sign a marriage contract. Then a light snack with drinks and sweets.

In the evening, the bride “at the parade” is ready to leave her father’s house.
At the appointed time, several cars, decorated with rings, dolls and, of course, ribbons, arrive for her and the guests on her part.

An elderly woman gets out of the car (future mother-in-law). In her hands is a tray, on which stands a pot of water, lies an egg painted with henna, as well as a key. Water is a symbol of peace, the egg - of harmony and life. The key is a symbol that the family wants the firstborn to be a boy.

At the wedding, of course, you can not do without music. As a rule, two ensembles (vocal and instrumental) perform at the celebration. The male is called nuba, and the female is called zimzamat.

All further rituals take place to the music.
Without dancing, no Libyan wedding is a wedding. Everything happens like this: dance, treat, dance, treat, etc.
As a rule, a tent costs no more than a day, the solemn event is celebrated as much.

That's so interesting and the wedding goes on according to Libyan traditions.






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